Yarndale: Woolly Workshops - Make & Mend
Sat 14th January 2023 11am
Come and join us to crochet, knit, mend and make. Bring along your favourite jumper you’ve been meaning to darn, your granny squares to piece together or maybe you’d like to learn something new. No experience necessary for these practical sessions, all abilities welcome. Come along for a cuppa, share skills and start a new creative journey in 2023.
Children must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.
No need to book but please arrive on time since places are limited. First come first served!
Thanks to KingCole for the yarn!

Yarndale is a weekend celebration of the brilliance of wool in all its forms held over the last weekend of September at Skipton Auction Mart. Each year, we welcome visitors from across the country and around the world. This year, as we celebrate our tenth birthday we want to share skills with local people to create a very special woolly display for Skipton.

Watch this Space is a Heritage Action Zone project funded by Historic England. It is about looking at spaces (any spaces) differently and asking how they might be used to support, encourage, and build the creative and cultural sector in Skipton. The project enables collaboration between artists, new skills to be learnt and ideas to be tested – it gives the ‘space’ for people to explore.